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Can I face shoplifting charges if I mess up in self-checkout?

On Behalf of | Oct 23, 2024 | Criminal Defense

With self-checkout now common in many stores, accidental errors can sometimes lead to unintended consequences, and those consequences could potentially include shoplifting charges.

Though these mistakes often are not deliberate, they can still be viewed as theft under state law if the intent to take an item without paying is assumed.

Missouri’s shoplifting cases are prosecuted under its general theft statutes, not specific shoplifting laws. Theft in Missouri is defined as taking someone else’s property with the intent to deprive the owner.

Self-checkout errors

Common errors include forgetting to scan an item. This is perhaps, the most frequent mistake, especially when handling many items. If a security team notices, they may conclude that the oversight was purposeful.

Another common error includes incorrect pricing due to a mistake or system issues. Inputting the wrong code for produce or accidentally scanning an item twice could result in underpayment, sometimes sparking suspicion. Though, occasionally, an item’s barcode might not scan correctly, or items may accidentally be mislabeled, which could also lead to pricing inconsistencies and a misinterpretation as malicious intent.

Missouri determines the severity of theft charges based on the value of the allegedly stolen items. If the value is under $150, the offense is typically classified as a Class D misdemeanor. However, if it exceeds $750, it may escalate to a Class D felony, with penalties including fines and even potential jail time. Even an unintentional mistake, if interpreted as theft, can carry serious consequences.

Defending against self-checkout charges

If someone faces shoplifting charges after a self-checkout mistake, demonstrating that their actions were accidental is crucial. Evidence like store surveillance footage, witness accounts and personal transaction records can support the accused’s claim that there was no intent to steal.

Although self-checkout offers a lot of convenience, it is essential to stay mindful throughout the process to avoid any accidental oversights. While an honest mistake may seem trivial, it can lead to severe legal repercussions in Missouri. Staying vigilant while using self-checkout can help prevent misunderstandings that may lead to criminal charges. Of course, electing to not use self-checkout altogether can also avoid these issues too.