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What if a driver without insurance causes a wreck?

On Behalf of | Jan 27, 2025 | Personal Injury

Motor vehicle liability insurance coverage makes driving affordable and accessible. If motorists had to personally reimburse others for the harm they cause when a crash occurs, most people couldn’t afford to drive.

A car crash can cause tens of thousands of dollars in property damage and potentially hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars in injury-related expenses. Between the cost of cutting-edge treatments and the lost income associated with major injuries, a collision could cost more than the party at fault might earn in several years.

Insurance coverage helps provide people with financial support when they sustain injuries in a crash where another person is at fault. Technically, the law in Missouri mandates insurance coverage. Despite regulations, some drivers drive without proper coverage.

How can people cover their expenses after collisions caused by motorists without liability insurance?

There are several options available

Uninsured drivers are a known risk factor that drivers can address for their own protection. Drivers in Missouri have an above-average risk of involvement in a crash caused by an uninsured driver. According to an analysis of insurance claims from 2022, Missouri had the 14th-highest rate of uninsured drivers in the country. An estimated 16% of motorists lack the mandatory coverage required by law.

Generally speaking, insurance providers give motorists acquiring coverage several options to increase their protection. They may be able to file claims against their personal policies if another driver causes a wreck and either lacks insurance or does not have proper coverage. The downside of such solutions is that a claim is likely to increase what the driver who didn’t cause the crash pays for their coverage.

Litigation can also be an option. So long as there is documentation showing that the driver at fault for the crash caused the wreck through a violation of traffic statutes or negligent behavior, people affected by the crash could initiate a personal injury or wrongful death lawsuit. It may also be feasible to take legal action against a business in a car crash scenario.

If the party who caused the crash was on the job when the collision occurred, their employer might be liable. If the crash occurred due to issues with vehicle components or poorly-performed repairs, manufacturers or mechanics could have a degree of liability. The type of crash that occurred can influence what options the people injured by the crash have afterward.

Reviewing a crash report and any applicable insurance policy documents with a skilled legal team can help people plan an effective response following a major motor vehicle collision. Exploring every option can help people limit the economic hardship caused by a wreck.